< Coursera Ordered Data Structures >


  • An array stores data in blocks of sequential memory


#include <iostream>

int main() {
  // Create a fixed-sized array of 10 primes:
  int values[10] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23};
  // Outputs the 4th (index 3) prime:
  std::cout << values[3] << std:endl;
  return 0;
  • Similar to Java, in C++, put the variable with data structure(int) and the size of array(10) and store the data with {}

Array Limitation #1

  • All data in an array must be of the same type

  • two facts about arrays:

    1. Elements are all the same type
    2. The size (number of bytes) of the type of data is known

    We can calculate the offset to any given index from the start of the array


  • What is the offset to index 3?

    • sizeof(Cube) : 8 bytes
    • Then, the offset to index 3 from the beginning of the array(index 0) should be 3 * 8 bytes = 24 bytes
#include <iostream>

int main() {
  // Create a fixed-sized array of 10 primes:
  int values[10] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23};
  // print the size of each type `int`:
  std::cout << sizeof(int) << std::endl;
  // => 4 (int is 4bytes)
  // Using pointer arithmetic, ask the computer to calculate
  // the offset from the beginning of the array to [2]:
  int offset = (long)&(values[2]) - (long)&(values[0]);
  std::cout << offset << std::endl;
  // => 8 (difference of the size between two values are 8 bytes)
  return 0;
  • What does offset mean here?
    • difference of the address(or size) of two values
    • (long)&(values[2]) : 140732910159192
    • (long)&(values[0]) : 140732910159184
    • => offset : 8 (because values[2] is located two indices after than values[0] )
#include <iostream>

int main() {
  // Create an array of 3 `Cube`s:
  Cube cubes[3] = { Cube(11), Cube(42), Cube(400)};
  // Print the size of each type `Cube`:
  std::cout << sizeof(Cube) << std::endl;
  // => 8 bytes
  // Using pointer arithmetic, ask the computer to calculate
  // the offset from the beginning of the array to [2]:
  int offset = (long)&(cubes[2]) - (long)&(cubes[0]);
  std::cout << offset << std::endl;
  // => 16 
  return 0;
  • Cube has 8 bytes each
  • So, the variable offset should be 16 bytes.

Array Limitation #2

  • Arrays have a fixed capacity.
    • Arrays must store their data sequentially in memory.
    • The capacity of an array is the maximum number of elements that can be stored.
    • The size of an array is the current number of elements stored in the array.
  • An array is full when the size of the array is equal to the capacity
  • The only way to add another element : to allocate a new, larger array and copy over all of the data


  • The std::vector implements an array that dynamically grows in size automatically. However, all properties remain true:

    • Array elements are a fixed data type.
    • At any given point, the array has a fixed capacity.
    • The array must be expanded when the capacity is reached.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "../Cube.h"

using uiuc::Cube;

int main() {
  std::vector<Cube> cubes{ Cube(11), Cube(42), Cube(400) };

  // Examine capacity:  
  std::cout << "Initial Capacity: " << cubes.capacity() << std::endl;
  cubes.push_back( Cube(800) );
  std::cout << "Size after adding: " << cubes.size() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Capacity after adding: " << cubes.capacity() << std::endl;

  // Using pointer arithmetic, ask the computer to calculate
  // the offset from the beginning of the array to [2]:
  int offset = (long)&(cubes[2]) - (long)&(cubes[0]);
  std::cout << "Memory separation: " << offset << std::endl;

  // Find a specific `target` cube in the array:
  Cube target = Cube(400);
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < cubes.size(); i++) {
    if (target == cubes[i]) {
      std::cout << "Found target at [" << i << "]" << std::endl;

  return 0;


Initial Capacity: 3
Size after adding: 4
Capacity after adding: 6
Memory separation: 16
Found target at [2]
  • After add one more element that takes over the initial capacity (3), vector automatically double the capacity (6)
  • Memory separation : cubes[2] is two cubes after cubes[0] => 2 * 8bytes = 16 bytes

Linked Memory


  • Linked memory stores data together with a “link” to the location (in memory) of the next list node

  • A ` list node` refers to pair of both the data and the link

    • // C++ ListNode Class:
      template <typename T>
      class ListNode {
        	// Member variable
        	T & data;	// since we don't know the data type, we use generic form of 'T'
        	ListNode *next;	// refers to the next listnode that is linked with the previous one 
        	// constructor
        	ListNode(T & data) : data(data), next(NULL) {}	// stores data and next
  • Zero or more ListNode elements linked together to form a Linked List

    • A pointer called the “head pointer” stores the link to the beginning of the list
    • A pointer to NULL marks the end of the list
#pragma once

template <typename T>
class List {
  	// member functions
    const T & operator[](unsigned index);
    void insertAtFront(const T & data);

    class ListNode {
        const T & data;
        ListNode *next;
        ListNode(const T & data) : data(data), next(nullptr) { }

    ListNode *head_;   /*< Head pointer for our List */
    ListNode* _find(const T & data);

// Finish including the rest of the header from the additional header file.
// This is just done to spread out our writing among more manageable files.
#include "List.hpp"

  • What is operator[] ?

    • We can access the list l.
    • Forexample List <int> l , l[0] is going to call operator[](unsigned index) function.
    • It defines what CPP should do when we call the operator [].


  • Objective : Return the element at index k.
template <typename T>
const T & List<T>::operator[](unsigned index) {
  // Start a `thru` pointer to advance thru the list:
  ListNode *thru = head_;

  // Loop until the end of the list (or until a `nullptr`):
  while (index > 0 && thru->next != nullptr) {
    thru = thru->next;

  // Return the data:
  return thru->data;
  • What does the while loop do here?
    • forexample, we command l.get(4)
    • thru starts from l[0]
    • index is 4
    • in the loop,
      • thru becomes l[1] and index becomes 3
      • thru becomes l[2] and index becomes 2
      • thru becomes l[3] and index becomes 1
      • thru becomes l[4] and index becomes 0
      • since index is not bigger than 0 anymore, the loop stops
    • and return the data that thru refers to, which is l[4].

List Runtime

  • In a list, the time it takes to access a given index grows based on the size of the list
    • In contrast, an array can access any element in a constant, fixed amount of time. Therefore, for accessing a given index, an array is faster than a list.
    • For example, if we want to access l[10000] , we should go through 10000 times of listnodes to find it.


  • Objective: Add an element to the list


  • To insert a new cube in the list, I simply need to make head_ points to my new cube, and the pointer of the new cube points the previous first cube. In this way, I don’t even need to look at the rest of the list!
template <typename T>
void List<T>::insertAtFront(const T & data) {
  // Create a new ListNode on the heap:
  ListNode *node = new ListNode(data);

  // Set the new node’s next pointer point the current
  // head of the List:
  node->next = head_;

  // Set the List’s head pointer to be the new node:
  head_ = node;

List Capacity

  • In a list, the capacity is bounded only by the memory available on the system. We can just add new elements again and again to the list.
    • In contrast, an array has a fixed capacity. A list is a more flexible data structure than an array.

Data Types

  • In both arrays and lists, all data within an instance of a container must be the same type.
    • An integer {array, list} must only contain integers.
    • A String {array, list} must only contain strings.
int main() {
  List<int> list;

  std::cout << "Inserting element 3 at front..." << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "list[0]: " << list[0] << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Inserting element 30 at front..." << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "list[0]: " << list[0] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "list[1]: " << list[1] << std::endl;

  return 0;


Inserting element 3 at front...
list[0]: 3
Inserting element 30 at front...
list[0]: 30
list[1]: 3

Linked Memory (Summary)

  • Linked memory stores data in “nodes” linked together by “links” (pointers).
  • A basic linked memory structure is a Linked List, which consists of zero or more ListNodes lined together and a head pointer.
  • A linked list provides a flexible alternative to an array.

Runtime Analysis

  • It is important to know how the runtime is different by data structure.
  • Run-time Analysis allows us to formalize a method of comparing the speed of an algorithm as the size of input grows.

  • Run-time Analysis allows us to formalize a method of comparing the speed of an algorithm as the size of input grows.

  • We summarize the runtime in “Big-O notation”, leaving only the term that dominates the growth:

    • O(1), constant time
    • O(n), linear time
    • O(n^2), polynomial time (다항의)

Access a Given Index

  • Array : O(1) - Direct access via offset formula (using [] operation)
  • List : O(n) - Must traverse every element to reach the index

Insert at front

(insert an element at the front)

  • Array : O(1)* - Amortized constant time when array size is doubled when copied
  • List : O(1) - Fixed constant time by adding the new data at the head of the list

cf) Amortized : to spend the constant time time by time

Find Data

(Given data, find the location of that data in the collection)

  • Array:
    • I have no choice but start from first element and keep going until find the right data
    • The time spent to find the right data would be equal to the amount of the data in the collection
    • O(n)
  • List:
    • Start from head_ and travel through every single element until find the right data
    • O(n)

Find Data in a Sorted Array

(Given data, find the location of that data in the collection)

  • Array:


    • Why don’t we start from the middle of the array if it’s sorted?
    • We know that 17 is on the right side of 13.
    • Next, we know that 17 is on the left side of 19.
    • => This is called Binary Search. We cut it in half each time, and that’s O(lg~2(n)) operation.
  • List:


    • We can’t jump to the middle of the list!
    • The best we can to is still travel the whole ListNodes!
    • => even if the data is sorted, it’s still O(n)

Insert After

(Given an element (ListNode or index), insert a new element immediately afterwards)

  • Array:


    • We have to copy the data that is already after the orange cube, move all data over, and once it’s moved, we have room to insert the purple cube.
    • We need to move n/2 elements -> O(n) of total moves.
  • List:


    • We can just create new ListNode, put the blue one, and change the pointers!
    • => O(1)

Delete After

(Given an element (ListNode or Index), delete the element immediately afterwards)

  • Array: O(n) (same logic as insert after)
  • List: O(1) (same logic as insert after)

Array and List Operations

  • Arrays and Lists are both ordered collections that have complex tradeoffs between run-time and flexibility.
  • We will build data structures using these primitive structures.